Patyud ( Gundalu ) - A traditional Garhwali delicacy
Patyud (Gundalu) Life style & cuisine of natives from Garhwal and Kumaun region can be understood by there food, Choice of Ingredients & method of cooking. Dishes like Patyud locally known as gundalu is a perfect example that shows how leaves from Colocasia plant (Arbi) Can be used to make this all time favorite Pahadi - Starter, mini meal or some time full meal It is so di fficult to produce quality Dishes from a limited vegetation but when ever I see dishes from Rural Garhwal, it gives me immense pleasure to acknowledge maximum utilization of locally grown fresh ingredients. Producing wholesome & amazing dishes from a limited inventory of Ingredients is an achievement , and somehow this is what makes Garhwali cuisine special. Patyud, Patod or Gundalu are the versions of this vary popular dish lets find out a vary easy way of making this delight Ingredients: Arbi Leaves ...